Polysulfide present in green garlic is also available in abundance, which protects people from heart diseases. In addition there is also a high volume of magazines in it

New Delhi : The most important thing in winter is the winter vegetables found in the winter. One of these vegetables is green garlic. Green garlic is also very much like green onions to see. Although garlic is used to increase flavor in lentils and vegetables, the vegetable made from its leaves is also not less in taste and it is also beneficial for the health. So let us tell you some benefits of eating green garlic-
A good source
of iron works to increase iron in vitamin c, metabolism in any person’s body, you will be aware of this but the proteins present in the green garlic collect iron from the cell inside the poroportin cell. , With the help of which the body gets iron as per the requirement.
Good cholesterol enhances polysulfide
present in green garlic is also available in abundance , which protects people from heart diseases. Apart from this, there is a high degree of magazines, which is linked to good cholesterol and works to keep the balance of the heart.
Controlling blood sugar is also handy
if you have problems with high sugar, green garlic is also helpful in reducing your high sugar. You can benefit from consuming garlic leaves. Patients of diabetes should definitely take it. It also works like a drug for patients with blood pressure. To reduce high blood pressure, it is considered beneficial to consume it too.
In the
winter it is very beneficial for the respiratory system to have strongrespiratory problems. It also improves the functioning of the respiratory system.
A good antiseptic
green garlic has been filled with antibacterial properties. Because of this, it works as a good antiseptic. You can use it to fill any type of wound quickly.
, blood circulation also helps to improve the blood circulation in the brain, green garlic is quite auxiliary.