Health benefits of radish in Hindi: Due to the chewing of radish, diseases of the teeth and gums are removed.
Mooli ke fayde: If you want liberation from acne then eat radish.
Special things
- Radish keeps away from the mouth, stomach, intestine and kidney cancer
- Feeding radish gives relief from diabetes and colds
- Radish relieves stomach problems with weight loss
Health benefits of radish or Mooli: Winters are coming and the people of Phudhian are also happy. Due to the beginning of the morning with different types of parathas (Mooli ke parathe) many dishes are prepared throughout the day. In this season Muli’s paratha, radish curry (Mooli ki sabji), radish pick and salad are an important part of the food of every home. There are some people who look at the radish only to make mouth, but those people should think about the benefits of radish once more about its benefits.Yes, radish may be a slight vegetable, but it is full ofradish nutrition facts. If you add it to your diet every day, you will stay away from many diseases, including cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, and your lifestyle will become very healthy: (Read- magic will be less like belly fat, this kind of calf will do it. . )
Benefits of Radish – Health benefits of radish in Hindi
1. The risk of cancer will be reduced – Yes, there is a considerable amount of Folic Acid in the radish. Along with this, vitamin C and anthocinin are also found in radish. These elements are helpful in fighting cancer. It can be very helpful in fighting the radish mouth, stomach, intestine and kidney cancer. (Read- These 4 things will air in the moment acidity, here are home remedies … )

The radish contains a substantial amount of folic acid.
2. Relief from cold and cold – Even though the radish is cold, but it can help you fight against colds and colds. Yes, eating radish can be avoided by cold. Therefore, to make your immune system strong during this season, the radish must be included in the food.
3. Keep healthy and healthy – If you become sick quickly in the changing season, radish can prove to be good for you. It enhances immune power and helps keep the body healthy.The food is beneficial by making a vegetable of raw radish or radish leaves in hemorrhoids.By eating a raw radish every morning, it gives relief in the disease. If urination is stopped, drinking radish juice again starts urinating. Burning half a glass of radish juice removes irritation and pain with urine. If the sour drink comes, then mixing a sugar candy in a cup of radish provides relief from it.
4. One of the characteristics of radish radish that will keep diabetes away is that it is a glycemic index. This means that by eating it your blood sugar will not be high. Speaking of the tips, diabetes can be kept under control by eating radish every morning.
5. Skin will glow- If you want to get rid of acne then eat radish. Yes, radish contains plenty of vitamins C, Zinc, B complexes and phosphorus. It is helpful in removing acne. All you have to do is cut the radish piece and apply it on the acne. Keep it until it gets tired. Wash the face with cold water after a while. In a few days the face will be cleaned.
6. Relief from the strain – People with difficulty from the stairs make radish 2-3 times a day with radish juice and drink juice of it will be of great benefit. Rinse with radish juice, rubing on gums-teeth and drinking is very beneficial for teeth. Diet and gum diseases are removed by eating radish after chewing tobacco.
7. Tiredness will be tired – Radish is extremely beneficial in removing fatigue and sleeping. At the same time, if you have to get rid of obesity, eating lemon and salt in radish juice gives lots of benefits. In fact, eating radish gives you a sense of appetite.
8. Obesity will be remotely beneficial in removing obesity. For this, you have to drink lemon juice twice a day to drink 100 to 500 ml of radish juice. In addition, if you eat 1 gram olive oil and a little honey in 6 grams radish seeds then the fat will be lost.