Being in the comfort of inner organs is of particular importance. There are many aspects of it. At the moment we are considering only one aspect of it. Most important internal organs in the body are in the chest and abdomen. These organs are neither hard or tight, nor have they been fixed at any one place with nuts or bolts. All these limbs are loosened and swinging inside a lattice. These organs can get the most comfort only when you put a habit of keeping your spine straight and sit.

Keep the bench straight
According to modern ideas, rest is meant to be backed up or downstream.But sitting in this way, body parts can never be comforted.
In this situation, the physical organ does not work as well as they should – especially when you sit on the lighthouse after eating the full meal. Nowadays, many trips are in the armchair. If you sit on the comfortable seat of the car and travel for one thousand kilometers, you lose at least three to five months of your life. This happens because, because of continuous sitting in such a posture, there is such a bad effect on your organs that their ability to work decreases dramatically or they become very weak.
Keeping the body straight does not mean that we do not like comfort, but its direct reason is that we understand and realize comfort differently. You can also habituate your muscles to stay in comfort while keeping your spine straight. But on the contrary, when your muscles are shaky, you can not keep your limbs in comfort. There is no other way to relax. Therefore, it is necessary that we prepare our body in such a way that keeping the spine straight, our body structure and muscles remain in rest position.