Guava is delicious in eating, it is equally useful in health terms.

New Delhi: Have you enjoyed guava with chut masala in winter? Guavasauce, marmalade, no answer Guava is delicious in eating, it is equally useful in health terms. Guava is the treasure of Vitamin C. The vitamins and mineral present in guava help in protecting the body from various diseases. There are many benefits of eating guava in cold. Let’s take a look at these:
1. Guava is a great source of manganese that helps our body to absorb the vital nutrients from other food. Potassium present in guava maintains normal blood pressure levels. By keeping the heart and muscles fit, it protects them from many diseases.
2. Guava contains 80 percent water which retains moisture in the skin. Apart from this, your disease increases immunity. The amount of fiber in guava is very high. It is very beneficial for patients with diabetes.
3. Regular consumption of guava decreases the risk of common diseases such as winter cold. Vitamin A and E present in guava nourishes eyes, hair and skin.
4. The nutrients called lycopene found in guava are helpful in protecting the body from the risk of cancer and tumor. Guava contains beta carotene which protects the body from skin related diseases.
5. Guava is very beneficial to eat with its seeds, due to which the stomach is kept clean. Guava keeps metabolism right, thereby controlling cholesterol levels in the body.
6. Guava is delicious in eating. It is also helpful in weight loss. Calories are very low and fiber is high. A guava contains 112 calories, which does not look very hungry for a long time. Regular consumption of it leads to weight loss and digestion power increases.
7. If chewing on your face, chewing soft leaves of guava will be beneficial for you. Its leaves have anti-bacterial potential, which chewing to reduce the pain of the tooth.
8. Guava keeps the skin healthy by repairing the Damage cell, which does not even cause wrinkles or wrinkles. Grinding the leaves of guava by making a paste and putting it under the eyes decreases the dark circles and swelling.
9. Guava strengthens teeth and gums. Chewing gum leaves gives relief in mouth ulcers. Guava juice works quickly to wound the wound.
10. Guava is found in vitamin B3 and BB6, which is known as nicin and pyridoxine. These elements help in increasing blood circulation in the brain.